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Flagship Program

Events, webinars,…

Diabetes Awareness Week

Get ready for an empowering event – Diabetes Awareness Week, hosted by D-Foot International, this November 2023! Join us for a week filled with valuable insights on diabetes-related foot care and prevention strategies.Leading healthcare professionals will share their expertise, equipping…

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D-Foot International organised the 7th Train the Foot Trainer program in Chennai, India between Feb 9 – 12, 2023

Quality education goes a long way when it comes to significantly reducing the number of lower-limb amputations due to diabetes. One of D-Foot’s main projects is training foot experts around the world how to set up education programmes for local primary care professionals and other foot specialists.
Read MoreD-Foot International organised the 7th Train the Foot Trainer program in Chennai, India between Feb 9 – 12, 2023