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Diabetic foot info cards

At-a-glance info cards of the IWGDF Guidance documents on diabetic foot.

In collaboration with IWGDF Guidance, D-Foot International developed a series of diabetic foot Info Cards. Translations in various languages are being added.

How to perform a Sensory Foot Examination?

How to perform a sensory foot examination?

How to perform a Sensory Foot Examination?

How to examine foot deformities in a person with diabetes?

How to perform a Sensory Foot Examination?

How to ensure the wearing of appropriate footwear?

How to perform a Sensory Foot Examination?

How to select a proper offloading modality?

How to perform a Sensory Foot Examination?

How to manage people at risk of diabetic foot ulceration?

How to perform a Sensory Foot Examination?

How to classify diabetic foot infection?

How to perform a Sensory Foot Examination?

How to perform vascular assessment in a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer?

How to perform a Sensory Foot Examination?

5 steps to manage acute Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy